Casting Call!

Kate Murray, Alvernia University Marketing Department

We are looking to feature the stories and students that make our community special! Are you working on a service project? Have a class project that is fun and unique? How are you balancing work, school, & family during Covid? We want to hear your story! Click the "Get Started" button now! 

Have a question? Email us:
It's YOUR Moment to Shine!
Tell your story and get featured on Alvernia's website & social media channels! We want to hear what you have to say about The VERN!

What is the Casting Call All About?

100% Open to Everyone
All Students...Undergraduate, Graduate and Adult, Faculty, Staff, matter how you are affiliated with Alvernia, we want to hear from you! Community service projects, class projects, even if it's "a day in the life" about how you balance work, family, and school...we want to tell your story!
How it Works
Our team is ready to help you tell your story! Get started by sending us a short video audition and then we will get in contact with you to schedule a live photo/video shoot on campus with our team. Do you attend the Philadelphia or Schuylkill Campus? No problem, we will come to you!
You are "The Vern"
Your stories are what make The Vern unique! We want to showcase everything that makes our Alvernia community special. This is YOUR chance to shine! Be in the spotlight, get shared on our website and social media channels. Baby, you were meant to be in lights!
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